Everything you have ever sold, sell, or will sell in the healthcare market will have exponential increased value and revenue with Precision leading the way. Our validated medical necessity for each individual patient, and electronic navigation and engagement in the background, typically quadruples patient participation rates with no labor in a billable encounter for your provider, and us together. AND because failure to validate and document medical necessity is the #1 reason for claim denial, our process greatly reduces those odds of not getting paid after the service has been delivered.
Here's a company being paid millions of dollars using AI to deny your claims in advance. The Precision process avoids this!
EXAMPLE - For Ancillary Services - These are the percentage of patients actually getting the services they qualify for - Chronic Care Management (4%), Remote Patient Monitoring (29.78%), or in another sector, ACO/Medicare Advantage programs make up only 32% of the total patient population. This means that you work with a very limited subset of patients.
By working with Precision, these utilization rates will very quickly rise dramatically and organically, and you will also begin to earn revenue for 100% of the patients, instead of just your subset, as our Strategic Partner! We're also a great market differentiator for you in seeking new business. Now, let's see how we get started!
What you’re about to learn is how to not only easily find the needle in the haystack, but how to quickly thread it. We have made the final model iterations and refinements and are ready to scale. Our training arm, Precision VBM University is now offering four FREE certification levels that will give you additional credibility when you approach a prospect.
Do I need to be certified? No, but you must introduce or submit your prospect to or be sponsored by someone who is certified in order to preserve and maintain our process simplicity and speed. We have a very streamlined and precise system that omits blockers to our 72-hour launch. Non-certified "Connectors" must "Register" to get account credit.
These levels are;
- Precision Certified Specific Needs Navigator - After Lesson 5 - Required to earn on making introductions.
- Precision Certified Onboarding & Implementation Specialist - After Lesson 8 - Required to be paid for contract/data/logo delivery.
- Precision Certified Master Account Leader - After Lesson 9 - Required to earn management fees.
- Precision Certified MasterClass Partner - After Lesson 10 - Required to share management overrides with your team members.
Compensation Level Match Ups are Here
Become a Representative Here - Read and then click the signup link on Page 4
*You may use these certification titles on any materials including email signatures, postcard drop-offs, etc. Please click photos below to enlarge the certificates that you can earn.
"Testing for Certification" is not meant to be a challenge, but rather a mutual investment in understanding. When prompted, and you are ready to advance through each certification level, simply contact Doug with your clarification questions, and
schedule your oral "No Fail Test" to further clarify your understanding.
You will navigate between links on the Precision Healthcare Technolgy website, built to serve providers, and the Precision Network Solutions website, built to assist YOU.
There are Videos, Text and PDFs. On PDFs you need to click the link at the top to "Activate the Hyperlinks Within the Document"
You will see the introduction information in the box graphic in the last section often as a reminder that this is the way you start; a one-minute read. Why? After six years we have learned that we cannot explain what we do without getting interrupted with, “We already do that.” Again, why?
What we do is not available in any EMR, and most providers don’t know it even exists, yet it’s an easy $200,000 to $350,000 in revenue with no effort or change in how they operate. That message buys you one minute for the prospect to review your email or text.
Now we have their full attention, and you haven’t said a word yet. If you can get a one-minute read, they will want to see the 90 second video. Then you most likely get the 9:43 for the video demo, and then we can close after 10 minutes! Interest in knowing their personal missed revenue number gets you there.
Our very simple pitch is, "Rather than ask you to attend a 30-minute Zoom, I will share a link so that you can see the same information for yourself in just a few minutes. If you like what you see, then now we can connect and/or you can share the link with your team without having to explain the program."
Blue and underlined are hyperlinks to said document
1. Copy/paste and edit your introduction for email, or maybe even text.
2. You will also be able to use a branded postcard with this information for drop off for in person visits. See and order it here! Front cover in the photo is here.
3. You may also have the provider simply read the card and then show them the 90 second overview video if in person.
4. Once the provider wants to know more, there’s a link to a 9:43 three-part demo.
5. We can prompt a contract close after the provider sees the demo information on 1) Technology/Program, 2) Program Choices, 3) Process Expectations Summary.
6. You MUST confirm the provider has seen the full demo even if you play it with them. They may sign, but they will not engage in a program that they don’t understand.
7. Now you can either sign them up on your device, or on Zoom.
IMPORTANT NOTE - Doug will even get on a Zoom with you and your provider for signup if these steps have been followed and the provider is ready to choose a program. You can request or ask questions about that here.
Here’s the message on the Provider Demo tab, so the expectations are set and defined in advance of signing. Happy prospecting!
--- Begin Message ---
We do Everything for You & You Do Nothing Different Than You Do Today!
Most providers are missing out on $200,000 to $350,000 in compliance-based revenue they are totally unaware of. This is 100% yours as our electronic AI navigation codes are paid by insurance separately. We're going to get that for you, and you change nothing and pay nothing until after you are paid!
Does it really take a committee to determine that you should act on a program that shows you compliance-based revenue for services that you think you are doing, yet missing according to current CMS/Payer data, does not change the way you operate nor cost anything up front or out of pocket, and Precision does all the work? Absolutely Not! We launch in 72 hours!
--- End Message ---
We're deeply committed to assisting you every step up the way. Keeping up with your prospect contact progression helps us stay in the loop and ward off others interested in the same account. Once you have made your initial Precision presentation, the account is eligible to be added to your prospect spreadsheet.
Gain market credibility and set yourself apart while maximizing your chance of success! - 2:41
IMPORTANT - PLEASE WATCH THESE WITH YOUR PROSPECT! We're advancing tremendous technology and human assets, long before they even submit the claim, and doing so with no upfront cost, and waiting for insurance to pay. They can invest 9:43 to understand the program that delivers $200,000 to $350,000 with no effort on their part! Your message to the organization or the provider is below. Back of drop-off rack card is in this photo.
Link to Download Your Editable Message is Here
--- Begin Message ---
“Every time you submit a claim, the algorithms within CMS and other payers are looking to see if you acted on the new medical necessities revealed from your last encounter, costing you very significant revenue on missed mandated services.
This data is not accessible via your EMR, only with Precision. Since 2007 Precision Healthcare Technology has collaborated to architect and build these value-based measurement and grading systems and knows exactly what they are looking for. We will do all the work for you! Below is your message to prospects.
Most providers are missing out on between $200,000 & $350,000! Want to find out what you are missing? It's FREE!
Precision can get this compliance-based revenue for you with no upfront or out of pocket cost, and without you changing anything about how you operate today! Always FREE to ACOs and Medicare Advantage programs. We can launch in72 hours!
Here is a 90 second video and a one-page PDF to understand these benefits.
Learn & Signup in Less Than 10 minutes
Here is the short “Must See” provider demo for pricing and to fully understand the program!”
Includes Bonus Videos on Benefits to ACO/Medicare Advantage programs and a Case Studies Compilation video and PDF.
Does it really take a bureaucratic committee to determine that you should act on a program that shows you compliance-based revenue for services that you think you are doing, yet missing according to current CMS/Payer data, does not change the way you operate nor cost anything up front or out of pocket, and Precision does all the work? Absolutely Not! We launch in 72 hours!
--- End of Message ---
Get your MS Word version of this message to download and edit HERE!
It shouldn't take a committee to decide you need to do the required services you are missing, especially when we're doing the work and there are no upfront or out of pocket costs. This needs to be our leading message once interested! Our secret weapon to get past blockers.
Data available at PVBMT.com through your network leader. Each provider is updated on a rolling 90-day schedule; we get our updates nightly.
No data? Go to the ROI Calculator below and enter the total number of patients in the practice to mimic these metrics.
These two tools give you insights on the practice potential before you even make initial contact. This makes for a very powerful introduction
The total net revenue benefit is found within the bold box and the bottom right in red.
NOTE - CMS typically makes up 20% to 25% of the total patient population. The ROI Calculator sees the entire benefits available.
It is urgent that you study and understand these documents, because you WILL be asked questions about the data.
For example, 100% of patients do not have A-Fib, but they all require an assessment to determine if they need a screening. We do this for them and it's a billable encounter.
Just as we ask the provider to review and understand what we're advancing on their behalf, we need you to underst
Identifying Your Prospect – Where is the low hanging fruit? Homework links on each item.
1. Hospitals with physician employees – instant revenue and compliance on a grand scale.
2. Hospitals with providers with privileges – bless them with revenue and link their referrals back to the hospital.
3. Family practice or multispecialty groups – they benefit the most while we lock in their specialist referral patterns electronically as they direct.
4. ACOs, Medicare Advantage and other shared risk models under capitation.
5. Independent Physician Associations/IPAs – definite need to show value adds while driving new revenue for all.
6. Strategic Partners serving healthcare – are service delivery companies who already have these clients.
7. Ancillary Service Providers – get their current clients maximized!
8. EMR Companies – They will all be working with us shortly, but we can work with or within them all today.
9. Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) and Billing Companies – Most providers are missing between $200,000 and $350,000 in revenue that RCM companies would live to bill for.
10. Health Aware Consumers – We expect 100 million downloads of our Precision Health Access health records phone App that will soon connect to any EMR.
Precision Specific Needs Navigator - After Lesson 5 - *Required to be paid for introductions.
Contact Doug at the link below, ask any clarification questions, and schedule your Zoom.
The provider absolutely will not read what is in the text on the left side of this photo, nor enter their contact, NPI, email and cell number on the right side. You need to do this for the provider when you're ready to offer the contract.
Complete guidelines to this process can be found on the "How to Videos" link here. PLEASE study this for clarification now so that we can answer your questions.
This is Video 2 on the Provider Demo. Your provider has just seen it. Now check the box on top red arrow for the service level, and the bottom arrow if they need remote staffing or services.
Options 1 & 2 bill under the provider's NPI. Options 3 & 4 bill or deliver care under Precision/Remote Partner's NPI and cost nothing.
In ALL cases, 100% of the compliance-based clinical revenue that we drive
Once you enter the data under your personally branded "More Information" link, it will bring you to this screen.
Share this with the provider and then click on the first red link at the bottom to bring up the contract page.
Signing the contract with your finger is now possible. Because you have pre-staged the steps up to this point, the provider doesn't feel the need to read the fine print.
Now it appears to be like any other document that we sign either online or with healthcare providers.
Precision Onboarding & Implementation Specialist - After Lesson 7 - *Required to be paid for contract/data/logo.
Contact Doug at the link below, ask any clarification questions, and schedule your Zoom.
Once the contract is signed, asked to be returned to the office manager to compete the data on this checklist. There is a link to this file on your Process Guide.
URGENT NOTE - We get 90% of this information in the 72 hours from contract to launch, and the other 10% within a week after launch. The bottom line is that in 10 days we have either "Nailed" or "Failed" this process!
Now move the data into your account manager.
This completes Phase One and Two for Patient Engagement and Care Coordination.
Our program has limited value unless we now connect, enroll, and schedule patients for medically necessary ancillary services!
No matter what you have ever sold, or will sell, it's medically necessary service demand will instantly increase exponentially with Precision!
Precision Master Account Leader - After Lesson 9 - *Required to receive management fees.
Contact Doug at the link below, ask any clarification questions, and schedule your Zoom.
There are 13 pages of rationale and actual communication text for emails for our entire process top to bottom. This is required to earn the $3 management allowance. Enter at your own risk!
Precision MasterClass Partner - After Lesson 10 - *Required to take management overrides from your team members.
Contact Doug at the link below, ask any clarification questions, and schedule your Zoom.
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